The steep hillsides of the Dazu area contain an exceptional series of rock carvings dating from the 9th to the 13th century. They provide outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
The heavens are broad, and the hells are vast;
If people do not put their faith in the Buddha's words, their minds will know only suffering.
When my path leads into suffering, I seek joy;
But when the living are in the midst of joy, they are seeking suffering.
The whole cliff face reads like a morality play with every hell duly labeled and warnings inscribed wherever there is free space on the stone. Like the hell scrolls, the cliff also reflects its time and place, or as Angela Falco Howard summarizes:
In the hell reliefs, sponsors and carvers chose to interpret the text in a manner most conducive to a predominently rural audience. Machinery such as the treadle-operated tilt hammer and the wheeled saw were commonly used in Sichuan. The men and women selected to portray the sinnerrs are dressed as in Song costume; the explicitness of their behavior (becoming drunk, being tempted by the flesh) formed part of the existential experience of viewers. In other words, viewers might have recognized their very contemporaries among the carved images. The emphasis placed on abstinence, so vividly portrayed at eye level, suggests the frequency of such excesses as well as the clergy's desperate efforts to restrain them.
While many of these tools and vices are not actually specific to this region, Howard is no doubt correct in that the familiarity of tool and vice may have increased the veracity of the overall message, even when those tools were now being used to horrific ends and those vices were now only superficial joys that, in Zhao Zhifeng's words, actually sought out suffering.
Zhao Zhifeng
Hell of the iron wheel
Burning in Hell
The main theme of these rock carvings is about Buddhism, built during the late Tang dynasty(618-907) and Song dynastry(960-1279).

This rock caring is a famous group of ancient rock carvings, listed in world cultural heritaage in 1990.
This rock carvings enjoys a grand size, excellent crvings and rich content . it has high value in history , science and art.

This rock carvings plays an important part in the history of ancient Chinees rock carvings, regarded as the "pearl of oriental art".
This rock carving is a piece of genius work, a teasure in the world cultural heritage.
The rock carvings in Dazu Rock carvings are mainly about Buddhist statues, together with confucian and Taoism.