Eating to Prevent Cancer
- While it is true that the tumors that forms spontaneously in our bodies generally remain microscopic in size, posing no danger to health, it is also true that all too often these tumors do not grow and develop into lethal end stage cancel. However, if it does grow, we will be at risk of developing cancer.
- Anticancer molecules present in fruits and vegetables fight cancers at the source, before it can reach maturity. Anticancer molecules present in food keeps them from progressing to an advanced stage of lethality.
- In this way, we should try to think of cancer as a chronic disease, one that can be controlled on a daily basis with the help of foods rich in anticancer compounds.
- Among the many anticancer compound present in fruits and vegetables, phytochemicals are the most important.
Anticancer compound present in fruits and vegetables, phytochemicals are the most important
Anticancer compound present in fruits and vegetables, phytochemicals block carcinogen action, block the promotion and progression of cancer cells